Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Truth of Cobra, The Portal, Prepare for Change, ET, and Conspiracies

Good People are Giving up their Lives for a Fool's Paradise

$2,300...That's the amount of money I threw away to a belief system that was as ridiculous as it was pathetic. More if you account for all of the crystals, gadgets, and other New Age purchases. My life came to a screeching halt and I spent hours toiling, torturing myself to further a "good cause". I hated my life. If you find yourself in the same or a similar boat - if you follow or have begun to follow Cobra - then this post is definitely for you.

As you can see, I have spent $2,296 on ad campaigns. This was for my "CERN LHC Goddess Healing Meditations' facebook page, inspired by and encouraged by Cobra

I hate Cobra, and I am angry at all of the people who allowed this situation to become as bad as it has become. I don't hate Cobra because he is a bad person. I don't know whether or not he is. I hate Cobra because of his consistent deception and forcing a mass amount of people to follow his every word as their cult leader. He isn't as vile as a true cult leader, but his followers center their lives around his teachings. They've been waiting for a huge promised sociopolitical revolution for about four years now. They call it "The Event". Cobra continues to push the date for this event to be expected later and later. When things go sour, he has insulted the members of his group in the past.

Before I begin to really explain in depth the evil sins of this community and Cobra, I'd like to sum up my beliefs and personal bias.
  • Am I religious? No.
  • Am I spiritual? Partially.
  • Am I a government agent? No, but I don't think there's any way I can persuade you of this.
  • Is my real name Ted Valier? No, this is a pen name I use. I don't want my real name associated with these beliefs and thoughts. The majority of the world believe them to be a sign of mental illness.

Then who am I and why does the 2012 Portal Community bother me?

I already said that I will not give out my name. What I will say is that I am a person who had followed Cobra starting late 2014. I followed Cobra for 2 years and although this may not seem like much, those are 2 years of my life that I will never get back. I have also lost a great amount of money considering I do not make a big wage. But the worst part is the dedication that I gave this ideal, the belief that Cobra sold. I could have done so much more for myself or the world with that dedication. On top of that I have lost so many friendships and relationships, too many to count. I feel so bad. I should have listened to myself and realized how wrong that I was. I lost so many people in my life that I absolutely loved and adored; some in a romantic way, but many others in a family or friend way. It's killing me, right now I'm trying to salvage any relationships that I can. My agenda is this: I have suffered massively and gained nothing, instead I lost everything; so I aim to end my unneeded suffering as well as the suffering of others.

And our ideals? Where are they? They are in the same place we left them. They haven't budged. We are still in just as bad of a situation as we started with.

How did this all start?

In 2012, an anonymous figure calling himself "Cobra" entered the alternative community. He became more and more well known, giving interviews to fringe reporters and alternative talk show hosts. He slowly built up a prominence in the ufo and et community. Cobra spoke commonly about what he called "The Event" where national military forces worldwide would arrest evil figures tied in with the popular Illuminati conspiracy. This was to eventually be followed by contact with aliens. Although never "promising" anything, he quickly led his followers to believe that 'The Event' would happen on December 21, 2012 (the day which caused panic after some predicted it to be the day of the apocalypse). When this didn't happen, he pushed the expected date back, and pushed them back again. Cobra stated that the event was likely to happen in certain "Windows of Opportunity" that came and passed with no changes. 

Although the beliefs of the 2012 Portal are pretty expansive, here are some of the most important: Reptilians, demons, and other evil figures control the world. Angels, Pleiadians, and other benevolent extraterrestrials are fighting back for control. The good guys are more advanced, but the bad guys are also pretty advanced. The bad guys have deadly weapons much more powerful than even our H-bomb, and threaten to detonate it if the good guys try to meet us. Also, there is no use for us to do anything about it. We can pray for the good guys to win and that's all we can really do.

Why are these beliefs bad?

From an obvious perspective, these ideas are completely disempowering. The root of depression is a bad situation that we cannot escape from. The truth is always better than a lie though. If the truth was depressing, so be it. The problem is that we have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to believe anything Cobra says. There is no evidence to back up the belief that we are stuck. Cobra has let down our trust time and time again. Yet, still there are many who follow him in what has to be one of the nastiest inferiority complexes ever invented.

There is one more belief that I should bring to your attention; that we must suffer to move Cobra's ideals further. We are supposed to suffer from what Cobra refers to as 'scalar attacks' as well as 'plasma' which generally brings about a great deal of unluckiness and evil to the community members (or so is believed). So on top of being victims, cult community members must suffer for the long haul. Ask yourself, why should you suffer to a ridiculous extent, just to further a stupid agenda that has taken four years and still is not any closer to being completed?

Then what the Hell is going on?!

I believe that the world is very similar to a giant mind. Every thought manifests itself as a possibility in this mind. If we called these thoughts 'energy', then different ideas would be weighted based on the amount of energy behind them. For example, a collectively held belief is stronger than an individually held belief. Thoughts override thoughts by pushing against the other thought with more energy. Some thoughts are stronger simply because they have been built up for thousands of years (i.e. Christianity). 

Cobra and the 2012 community are the manifestation of thoughts.  I believe that Cobra and co were a manifestation of the fears of the 2012 apocalypse. It is my opinion that the fearful thoughts of demons, the Biblical Revelations, predictions of the apocalypse, and new age thought all combined to create the 2012 community. I know for sure that my life, and in my opinion the world itself, has greatly degraded from what it once was prior to the community's effect. It was never perfect, I have always suffered from the paranormal. This has become much worse after Cobra's entrance, but slowly this chaos has begun to recede as I distance myself from naive beliefs of extraterrestrial warfare and my own victimization.

The main reason why Cobra bothers me is because of this: he has watched his predictions come and go. He has plainly seen the similarities between his junk and the junk popping up through channelers (i.e. false promises, failed prophecies, and petty miracles) and yet continues his pursuit. His madness continues to envelope more members. He doesn't admit that he was wrong. Nor does he admit anything about the nature of where his information comes from ( in my opinion he IS a channeler, he probably believes he is "telepathic", but in my opinion this is another form of channeling ).

Let this be a solemn warning to you. The 2012 Portal has been pulling the strings behind the mass evil that has recently come to the surface. I don't like the direction that this whole thing is headed. It's time to end the virus that has spread. I know that if this reaches enough people that I will receive a lot of hate. That doesn't bother me, my job is not to talk sense into every ignorant person. 

Please, don't give into the charade. Separate yourself from 2012 Portal, Cobra, the event, and all teachings surrounding these. We can create a brighter future, and we don't have to kill ourselves for 20 years to do it.


  1. What do you propose then ? Nothing is what i feel .. don t say it s not possible to those who are doing it .. you are so far from any truth you must be a troll

  2. I propose looking at the situation objectively. I propose walking away. My post never said that it was not possible per se. It said that it was naive to believe Cobra. Looking through an objective lens, these views are drastically harming us. If you believe in miracle healing / positive thinking and the power of the mind, you shouldn't need my proposal. I think it's pretty obvious how you could repair this. How one could make a troll argument, given clear-cut evidence of my own involvement in this, is beyond me. If you want to foolishly give into Cobra's fantasy land, do it. I've already been down that road.
